isee2 Diamonds Launches Retail Concept to Bridge Online-Offline Business
May 22, 08isee2 Diamonds, marketers of isee2 super ideal cut diamonds, has announced the launch of a new retail concept to help retailers capture customers shopping for diamonds online, bring them into the store and there give them an experience providing greater confidence in the diamond purchasing experience, the company said.
The new online-to-store program is a merging of traditional retail with an online presence, through two strategies: isee2 retail partners will be provided with a microsite – an individual web page with marketing tools to promote their store – on which consumers will be able to select the diamonds they want and then see them in person at the retailers store.
In addition, once in the store, an environment will be created for the customer that is designed to appeal to all five senses, isee2 Diamonds said in a release, incorporating factors such as an interactive display panel, a signature relaxing scent, soothing colors, an upscale display, complete with music and audio.
The firm will unveil the program at the upcoming JCK Las Vegas show.