SRK Launches Diamond Express Feature for Quicker Buying
March 05, 13(IDEX Online News) – Indian diamond manufacturer Shree Ramkrishna Exports (SRK) has launched its new Diamond Express facility at the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show.
The feature allows registered website members to easily send requests to SRK via email or text message. Members can send a view request, request for photos of a particular diamonds, request for a movie of a particular stone or request to see a certificate. In addition, buyers can confirm a purchase with a single text or email message.
"SRK’s aim, other than crafting quality diamonds, is to have continuous technological innovation at the forefront of our business, ensuring fast and easier access to the diamonds that our customers want,” said Rahul Dholakia, managing director of Marketing & Finance.
“We have tried to bridge the gap when there is low Internet connectivity on their phones and [logging in] on [the] computer is time consuming.”