External Economic Factors
March 14, 13
Until 2008, polished diamond prices were one of the least eventful economic markers, which was especially true following their price tumble in the 1980s. One of the main reasons for their moderate behavior is attributed to De Beers' monopolistic control of the market, and its ability to manage both the flow of rough diamonds and their prices. When prices declined, the supply of rough either slowed or the price increased – usually some combination of the two – forcing polished prices back up. When prices increased too quickly, De Beers could increase the supply of rough, which would ease the polished diamond increases.
Once the company's stronghold waned, prices of rough and polished diamonds were more susceptible to wider economic forces of the kind that typically affect the prices of commodities, durable goods and consumer products.
This was clearly seen in early 2008, when the price of diamonds started climbing at a faster rate than they have done for some 30 years. This increase was, at least partially, driven by broad economic forces – some of them global, others local.
Polished diamond prices started their escalation in mid-2007 as the stock markets were nearing their pre-crash peak. The global economy seemed healthy, the mood was positive, and everyone was looking admiringly at the Chinese economic boom as the “Red Giant” was readied itself for the Beijing Olympics. In
Against this backdrop, and encouraged by generic diamond marketing campaigns such as “A Diamond is Forever,” consumers were buying more and more diamond jewelry. Their appetite was fueled by growing discretionary income, mainly in the
While many consumers were enjoying this growing economic affluence, unnoticed by most people, the looming economic crash was beginning to make its early presence felt. The stock markets, which had hit their peak in or around October 2007, started to decline, following – albeit with a delay – the declining They followed with great delay declining house prices in the U.S., which had started to decrease as early as February 2006 and had an unprecedented effect on the economy.
The wealth of most
The economists revisited a study they had conducted a few years earlier to examine the links between changes in housing wealth, financial wealth and consumer spending in the
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