Analysis Could Indicate Diamonds at Karelian's Finland Site
November 10, 15
(IDEX Online News) – Karelian Diamond Resources plc announced that high category rating diamondiferous kimberlite indicator minerals have been identified by Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Limited from samples collected in the Rihiivaara area of the Kuhmo region of Finland.
The samples were collected close to the kimberlite body discovered by Karelian.
The company said that the presence of diamondiferous kimberlite indicator minerals, together with the discovery nearby of the kimberlite body, enhances the diamond potential of the area.
The kimberlite indicator minerals include G10(D) garnets, which form within the diamond stability field of the upper mantle, where the temperature and pressure is suitable for the formation of diamonds.
“These are truly excellent results that confirm the potential within the target area, in particular the presence of the G10(D) garnets, which have proven to be positive indicators of diamonds in the past,” said Karelian chairman Professor Richard Conroy.