Decline in Polished Diamond Prices in September
October 01, 17(IDEX Online News) – After slight increases in July and August, the IDEX polished diamond price index showed a decline in September.
The Index began the month at 120.74 and ended at 119.49.
Diamond Prices Show Multi-Month Decline
Polished diamond prices have declined since the middle of last year. The index is at its lowest point for more than three years as the graph below illustrates.
The graph of polished diamond prices since January 2014 shows a 9.1-percent decline to-date.
On a month-to-month basis, global polished diamond prices in September saw an increase of 0.3 percent over August.
On a year-over-year basis, the average price in September showed a 2.9-percent decrease.
Diamond Prices by Size Decrease
On a month-to-month basis – comparing prices during September 2017 to August 2017 – there were four rising categories, one decliners and two at standstill as seen in the graph below.
On a year-over-year basis, there were four decliners and two risers. While the 2.0-carat and 4.0-carat categories rose, all the others declined, as can be seen in the graph below.
Over the longer term, the general trend is that 4-carat stones have shown the most price volatility, although 3-carat diamonds have displayed the steepest year-over-year decline since mid-2015, as the graph below illustrates. From December 2015 onwards, there has been relative price stability in 1-carat, 1.5-carat and 2-carat stones.
The market has started to come back to life over the past month following the traditionally quiet summer vacation.
A look at the major diamond trading centers shows that activity is relatively stable.
The Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Show which took place from September 13 to 17 was solid if unspectacular, with a fairly substantial demand for lower-quality diamonds.
Trading in October is likely to be relatively quiet overall due to the Succot holiday in the first half of the month, and the Diwali festival in the second part of October.