Harry Winston: Chicago Building Damaged, Caused $2M Lost Profits
January 07, 19(IDEX Online) – Harry Winston Inc. has filed suit regarding the building it leases in Chicago which the famous jewelry retailer alleges was damaged by a nearby construction project and cost it more than $2 million in lost profits.
The complaint was filed in Cook County Circuit Court against 65 Oak Street Owner LLC, LG Development Group LLC, and others, citing the Chicago Excavation Ordinance and other counts.
Harry Winston Inc. leases a three-story building on East Oak Street in Chicago. It alleges in February 2017, the defendants' construction activities for a new multilevel retail building on the same street caused "significant ground vibrations" and caused cracks in the plaintiff's building, according to cookcountyrecord.com. It alleges it had to temporarily close for repairs and alleges the defendants' actions caused it lost profits of at least $2 million.
Harry Winston Inc. alleges the defendants failed to properly supervise the excavation and installation of earth retention systems, and failed to provide adequate safety measures or precautions.
The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks judgment against the defendants of more than $50,000, plus costs, expenses and other relief as the court deems just.