India's Diamond Industry Calls for a Return to Work
May 06, 20(IDEX Online) - Diamond factory bosses are urging the Indian government to allow a partial return to work after the nationwide lockdown was again extended, to 17 May.
Some other industries have resumed partial production after rules were relaxed to allow a third of workers to return, albeit with social distancing rules and frequent sanitizing.
But the nature of the cutting and polishing process- with several people working on a single stone - means it's not feasible for diamond workers to observe those rules.
India, which cuts and polishes 90 per cent of the world's diamonds, is sitting on a two-month inventory of polished stones.
The lockdown first imposed on 25 March was extended on 3 May for a further two weeks.
Customers are beginning to cancel their orders and go to other markets, according to the industry body Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC).
Its concern is that business will be lost forever to China, which has already emerged from lockdown measures.
Meanwhile the Diamond Workers Union claims many artisan members haven't been paid, and has filed complaints against over 100 employers.