Online Sales Shine As Consumers Make Season Purchases
December 09, 03
Online retailers are enjoying a surge in business since Black Friday weekend. More than half of retailers saw sales increase more than 25 percent compared to last year and 71 percent of online retailers are feeling optimistic about the holiday season.
A recent survey by reveals 50 percent of consumers are using the Web to research products and then buy them either in a store or through a catalog. And 45 percent of consumers are researching gift purchases in stores and catalogs and then purchasing them online.
"Online retailers are increasingly optimistic about the holidays because the last two weeks have been very strong,” says Scott Silverman, executive director of
“Retailers have succeeded in combining their Web sites, stores and catalogs into a seamless shopping experience that lets consumers shop where and when they want”.
The study also evaluates the success of online retailers’ marketing efforts. 44 percent of retailers say free shipping is their most effective marketing promotion, an increase of seven percent over two weeks ago.
“Consumers are enjoying excellent online and multichannel shopping experiences and consumers are rewarding these retailers with their business,” concludes Chuck Davis, CEO of