Mayors Jewelers Has A Merry Christmas
January 06, 04
American jewelry retailer Mayors Jewelers had a very happy holiday as gross season sales - November 2 through December 27 – rose cheerfully, perhaps giving a first indication to how well did the jewelry industry as a whole.
Mayors comparable store sales during the holiday season increased 15 percent over last year and gross sales for the holiday season increased 14 percent to $40.8 million. Interestingly, Mayors achieved this while operating 28 stores, from $35.7 million when Mayors operated an average of 30 stores in the same period last year.
Tom Andruskevich, Chairman, President and CEO says the strong sales in the holiday season were the result of an effective re-branding and marketing initiative that included a mix of exclusive new merchandise in all stores, re-introduction of Mayors' holiday and crown catalogues, emphasis on new and longtime clients and highly-anticipated and well-attended store events.
An additional credit went to Mayors' new television advertising campaign. The first ad, “Brilliance”, featured the tagline, “True emotions are inside”, portraying the moment and touching emotion of a marriage proposal.
“Going in, the high-end jewelry market was performing well for the first time since 9/11, so we were bullish on holiday sales,” noted Andruskevich. “International tourists are returning to our markets and people are feeling less guilty about indulging themselves or loved ones. Mayors fit right into their purchasing plans”.
Andruskevich believes America's whole social system is changing with people becoming a lot more family-oriented. That attitude plays well for marking special occasions, such as the holidays, with jewelry that lasts forever.
Recognizing the trend, Mayors says it has expanded its selection of jewelry and other fine gifts that appeal to both new and established customers, while incorporating an enhanced, customer-friendly environment at its stores to make the shopping experience easier and more convenient.