Moissanite Q2 Sales May Rise Up To 7%
June 20, 04
Charles & Colvard, the only company making moissanite, a created jewel used in fine jewelry, said it expects second quarter sales to be up to 7 percent higher than the corresponding period of last year.
“Based upon customer orders and indications, we expect second quarter 2004 sales to be between $4.3 million and $4.6 million, or between flat to 7 percent ahead of last year's second quarter sales of $4.3 million," said President and Chief Executive Officer Bob Thomas.
"The sales team has just returned from a successful five days at the JCK show in Las Vegas at which we had a number of good conversations with jewelry chains that represent possible new moissanite distribution opportunities,” he added, saying the firm’s sales team has been expanded.
Thomas said the company hopes to increase the number of tests of its products by department store chains.
“I am particularly delighted to see interest on the part of two large department store distribution venues. Moissanite jewelry distribution on a national level is key to increasing consumer awareness and ultimately to an acceleration of our sales growth."