DTC Ignites the Holiday Fire for Christmas
September 21, 04
The Diamond Trading Company is preparing its U.S. marketing blitz for the crucial Christmas season with a slew of T.V. and radio promotions, billboards and print advertising aimed at reinvigorating a couple’s love for each other with the theme Re-Ignite Your Love.
The campaign showcases diamonds as the ultimate way to express how essential your relationship is to you in your life, according to ad agency J. Walter Thompson.
The company has developed a series of the well-known ‘Seize the Day’ advertisements that are designed to call men to action and help them decide to purchase a piece of diamond jewelry.
The ads reflect the Re-Ignite Your Love theme and will begin appearing in the top 12 media markets throughout the
The ads feature Three-Stone Anniversary Rings, Three-Stone Necklaces, Three-Stone Earrings, Diamond Solitaire Necklaces, Diamond Stud Earrings and Diamond Right Hand Rings.
Meanwhile, a television commercial, Steps featuring a husband surprising his wife with a ‘re-engagement’ proposal sealed, of course, with a three-stone diamond ring, debuts on television networks nationwide during Thanksgiving weekend.
For the third consecutive year, the ‘Countdown to Christmas’ print campaign, warning men that there are only a few shopping days left before Christmas, will run in the final week before the holiday when an estimated 30 percent of holiday diamond jewelry sales take place.
Meanwhile, retailers and manufacturers are being encouraged to take advantage of the Design Gallery located at www.adiamondisforever.com.
The gallery will include a holiday gift guide, featuring Diamond Right Hand Rings, Three-Stone Diamond Jewelry as well as the classics like Diamond Stud Earrings and Diamond Solitaire Necklaces.
In addition, the trade website dps.org offers manufacturers and retailers a variety of free downloadable photographs, postcards and ad slicks to choose from featuring the Three-Stone Ring and classic Diamond Stud Earrings.