31st World Diamond Conference Closes
October 21, 04
The last day of the 31st World Diamond Conference focused on discussing open issues such certification of synthetic diamonds and HPHT treated gems, followed by concluding resolutions.
In a resolution passed by the General Assembly regarding synthetic diamonds the WFDB declared to “cooperate fully with any other internationally recognized trade associations and companies to formulate a common standard of disclosures and nomenclature for synthetic diamonds”.
The WFDB also urged the gem laboratories to refrain from issuing certificates for synthetic diamonds, in order for the consumer to be completely aware of the nature of the product he is purchasing.
Regarding HPHT-treated diamonds, the WFDB called upon "all the trade laboratories to introduce a format for such certificates wherein the fact that the diamond is HPHT treated shall be unambiguous and clearly evident at first glance." Using a different color for the certificate was one of the recommended ideas.
In addition IDMA suggested the color grading be completely removed from the space usually reserved to color on certificates, and instead put it at the bottom of the page, to emphasize that the color is not natural. Furthermore, IDMA urged the labs to cooperate extensively amongst themselves for a basic system of grading HPHT-treated stones.
In a joint resolution WFDB and IDMA re-confirmed their commitment to ending any use of rough diamonds for funding conflict in
IDMA President Jeff Fischer said they managed to get the conflict practically eliminated and WFDB President Shmuel Schnitzer said 23 affiliated bourses agreed there was no problem implementing the Kimberley Process and that all the bourses’ members know how to comply with the Process.
The WFDB also decided to grant permission to any member of affiliate bourses to use its trademark for business. Schnitzer said it would give a members advantage by being recognized as complying with WFDB’s rules.