DTC Sight 9: Smaller and Better
October 28, 04
DTC’s ninth Sight of 2004 is smaller then usual, Sightholders say, but noted for its higher colors. Sightholders say assortment of boxes improved and prices were unchanged.
As the end of the season is nearing, just as holiday purchases shift into high gear and two weeks before the Diwali holiday that brings Indian manufacturing to a standstill, the DTC, De Beers’ marketing arm, is decreasing the size of its supply.
Many clients note that the assortments of the boxes at the Sight have improved compared to recent Sights. Goods were of higher color and Russian goods were back in the boxes.
Premiums on the DTC’s boxes are in the middle single digit figures, 5 – 8 percent on average, lower then what they received just a month or so ago, but in line with a generally softer rough diamond market.