Polished Diamond Exports from Israel Up 27% in Value
December 01, 04
Polished diamond exports from Israel continued to rise in November, totaling $662 million, an increase of 27 percent compared to November of last year with $520 million. Data on exports by carat has not been released yet.
Since January the country’s diamond industry exported $6.016 billion worth of polished, compared to $5.184 billion in exports during the January-November period last year, a 16 percent growth in value.
The Israeli industry imported $331 million worth of polished diamonds during the month, a decrease of 4 percent over last November.
The U.S. continued to be the leading destination of Israeli polished goods, $443.5 million worth of polished, taking 67 percent of total exports during the month, an increase of 17 percent over last year.
Hong Kong was the second destination by value, 13 percent of total exports, an increase of 35 percent to $86 million.
Following are Belgium (7 percent), Switzerland (3 percent) and U.K. (2 percent).