Finlay's Deal Expands Charles & Colvard Moissanite Retail Presence
March 01, 05
Charles & Colvard, creators of moissanite, is expanding its retail presence with 114 Finlay Enterprises leased department store jewelry counters which it believes will further boost public awareness of moissanite.
“Through our manufacturing partner, K&G Creations, moissanite jewelry is now in the jewelry counters at 31 department store doors whose jewelry departments are leased to Finlay Enterprises. Distribution in an additional 83 doors is being planned for March/April 2005 in Finlay controlled fine jewelry departments,” said President and CEO, Bob Thomas.
Finlay operates leased department store jewelry locations in chains such as Robinson-May, Lord & Taylor, Famous-Barr, Marshall Fields, Rich's-Macy's, Bon-Macy's and Carson's-Boston Stores.
Thomas added that following a positive response from eight trunk shows in Finlay locations carried out last November by K&G Creations, a series of more than 200 trunk show events will take place during the first nine months of this year.
The only national retailer offering the lab-created jewel in fine jewelry up to now was JCPenney, one of
Moissanite is a created jewel that is almost colorless and which Charles & Colvard claims has more fire, brilliance and luster than a fine diamond, but retails for a fraction of the cost.