Busy Weekend Full of Color at JCK
June 06, 05
It's been a busy weekend for buyers and exhibitors in Vegas. If it's not tiring enough tramping the never-ending halls of the Sands Exhibitions Center, then there's always the hike over to the Wynn for the Signature Show and of course the veritable slew of network receptions once the show closes.
On the Show floor, the mood is somewhat light with most exhibitors content with the first two days of the exhibition. Buyers have turned out in force, with most of the major retailers present.
Style-wise it's a colorful Vegas.
Last night it was the turn of the Plumb Club, hosting a dinner for major retailers, with entertainment by Sheryl Crow. But, enough of the fun, for everyone here first and foremost it's business.
On Sunday, the World Diamond Council held a breakfast get-together for members attending the show. Eli Izhakoff opened the proceedings welcoming three new members, Avi Paz, Ronald Friedman and Moti Ganz. He also announced the resignation of Sean Cohen, a WDC Vice-President and Director.
Attention was then turned to the issue of Review Visits. Izhakoff noted that recently several NGOs, along with Canada have begun lobbying to create an independent body to review the proceedings of the Kimberley Process.
No doubt at the next WDC general meeting, to be held in the coming few months, this issue will be under the spotlight as the full WDC contingency discusses the thorny issue of Peer Review, something the NGOs have long criticized.