Lazare Kaplan Contributes $1.5 Million to Aid Angola
June 22, 05
Diamond and jewelry firm Lazare Kaplan International Inc and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have come together in a public-private partnership to promote and improve the delivery of social services and opportunities for economic growth in the diamond-rich Lunda Norte Province of Angola.
LKI plans to provide $1.5 million over three years to support improved access to health care, education, and credit facilities for people in the province. USAID will match these resources and coordinate with the government, provincial government officials and the local community to effectively provide program design, management and oversight assistance.
Maurice Tempelsman, Chairman of LKI, said, “Now that peace has returned to Angola, the focus of the Angolan government is to give priority to policies that advance the economic and social development of the nation for the benefit of the people of Angola. The diamond sector in