IDEX Poll: Most feel GIA Lawsuit Is Just the Beginning
September 08, 05
The lawsuit filed against the GIA and Vivid Collection has stirred a wide and forceful debate in the diamond industry. Talk in our news forum about it was heated, reflecting concern on how this affects us and what it all means. Answering our poll 'What do you think about the GIA lawsuit?', 59 percent of respondents said the lawsuit was "just the tip of the iceberg". This is probably one of the most talked about topics of the past few weeks. Some people are asking themselves if there is any truth to the allegations (see our report ' NYC Jeweler is Suing the GIA Over “Upgraded” Stones' from August 28). Others are concerned about the impact on consumer confidence, something we have all worked hard to build and nourish, carefully trying to steer away from African revolutions, while cringing at any public mention in association with any criminal activity. But it looks like it does not stop there, as reflected by the clear response to the IDEX Online poll. Twenty percent of respondents said about the allegation in the suit that they 'trust the GIA, it’s all just rumors'. Another 21 percent responded 'I don't know, let's wait for the court to decide'. Being the gem lab that U.S. consumers most rely on to ensure they are getting what they expect, any public doubt hurts us all. If even our own industry is casting doubt, we have to act introspectively. If the suspicions are proved right, the culprits have to be uprooted and cast out. But if suspicions are proved false – the GIA has some serious leg work ahead to resolve all doubts and worries to restore confidence among us and consumers alike. In response, the GIA’s Alex Angelle would only comment: “We really do not have any further information or statements regarding the lawsuit, as there have been no further developments. We also do not wish to engage in a running commentary with poll respondents, who are expressing their personal opinions without necessarily having facts at hand.” Given the take-off in recent years of online selling of anything and everything, including diamonds and jewelry, we are asking this week: Do you sell diamonds online? Become part of our online electorate – the more votes the more accurate the poll – and help us to give you an exact representation of what’s happening in our industry. The poll is on the bottom right-hand corner of our homepage – so vote now!