IDEX Online Poll: GIA Should Do a Recall of Certificates
October 27, 05
The GIA lawsuit and the recent news that it has laid off four employees at its lab has caused a big stir in the industry. Based on the results of the IDEX Online weekly poll, a majority feels that the GIA should do a recall of certificates, in a manner similar to what car companies do when they discover a problem.
57 percent of respondents to the IDEX Online poll asking “Do you think the GIA should do a recall of certificates?” said this week “Definitely, in order to secure their reputation”.
But a quarter of all respondents feel it would be a mistake to do a recall, answering “No, it will damage both the GIA and the industry reputation”.
Apparently the issue, while being a hot discussion topic in the market – take a peek at our news forum for some recent reactions – left some undecided on what should be done. 19 percent of respondents selected the “I don’t know” option.
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