Zale Diamond Remains Top Jewelry Brand in America
July 06, 06
In a recently released survey by the Jewelry Consumer Opinion Council (JCOC), the Zale Diamond remains the most recognized branded diamond on the market, closely followed by Hearts on Fire, with Radiant and the Leo Diamond in the top four. Although consumers still consider a brand name the least important diamond purchase driving, they believe brands are gaining in importance.
“It’s extremely difficult to establish specific brand awareness with consumers,” says Elizabeth Chatelain, president of MVI Marketing Ltd., founder of the JCOC. “Although consumers are more willing to pay premium prices for branded products, making a jewelry line "stand out" is not getting any easier. With the saturation of brands in the market, a name and logo is not enough to catch consumer attention. Each brand must develop a niche, a unique selling proposition (USP), or a product attribute demanded by consumers.”
Chatelain notes that although consumers expressed a willingness to pay a premium for a branded product, they conversely were deterred from purchasing branded designer diamond jewelry because of high prices. “The key to successful product branding is to design and deliver a unique product the consumer needs and prefers to other products available. Manufacturers and retailers can help consumers come to understand what exactly branded diamonds and diamond jewelry are and that the consumer has increased flexibility in choosing.”
A comparison of results against the JCOC's October 2004 study of diamond brands revealed:
- Although the Zale Diamond remains the most recognized diamond brand, Hearts on Fire has gained in recognition in the last two years.
- Other diamond brands that registered in addition to the Leo and Radiant include Lucida and the Princess Plus.
- More respondents in June 2006 answered that they owned a branded diamond than in October 2004, while a smaller percentage in 2006 than in 2004 cited a lack of awareness for not owning a branded diamond.
- A larger percent of panelists claim to own branded designer diamond jewelry with popular brands including Vera Wang, Scott Kay and Escada. Among those who do not own branded designer jewelry, a larger percentage this year perceives it as being too expensive.
- In the June 2006 study, consumers are slightly more willing to pay higher premiums for branded diamond jewelry than they were in October 2004.