One Million People: “Our Gifts of Love Should Not Fund Hate”
November 05, 09
Sometimes the diamond industry is getting heartwarming active support from organizations that otherwise have nothing to do with the business. This afternoon I became aware of, when I received an e-mail stating, “Our gifts of love should not fund hate.” is an international civic organization that promotes activism on issues such as climate change, human rights and religious conflicts. Its stated mission is to "ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making." The organization operates in thirteen languages, and claims more than three million members worldwide.
Apparently quite upset by Zimb
Within 24 hours, some 107,000 people from around the world have signed this petition as of 2:24 PM Europe time! The site encourages petition signers to pass the word on to their friends (and whole e-mail address books). According to PAC’s
I suggest you visit the website. It presents its case to the general public around the world in three simple sentences:
“Official diamond regulators meeting in Namibia this week will decide whether to suspend Zimb
“We have just 24 hours to persuade these countries to act - let's get a massive petition together and deliver it directly to the meeting in Namibia. Sign the petition below and then spread the word to anyone who doesn't want our gifts of love to finance hate.”
The website, aimed at ordinary people around the world, continues to explain that in June, the Kimberley Process Review Mission found evidence that Zimb
Evidence has also been found that soldiers and ZANU PF party officials embezzle revenue from the illicit trade. Despite the Kimberley Process calling on the Zimb
Message to the Diamond Industry Community
As I am writing these words, the KP Plenary hasn’t ended yet – and I am not aware (yet) of any decision on Zimb
Without further quoting from the website, one paragraph in the petition must give us all food for thought: “As citizens who could buy diamonds, we are looking to you, to take all the necessary steps to suspend Zimb
Within the industry, we all have various misgivings
But today’s petition shows that the outside world, the consumers of diamonds, is acutely aware of the KP. It also underscores that the general public will not tolerate the lack of political will and resolve by KP to do the right thing.
KP’s World Wide Visibility seems Consider
With so many people responding just in a few hours, it is clear that KP enjoys worldwide recognition, public awareness and the actions of the organization have consider
It never occurred to me that rescue may come from Ricken Patel and his This isn’t just another NGO. Avaaz's goal is “to help bring the global community closer together, bridging the gap between the world we have and the world that most people everywhere want. Our campaigns have been delivered personally to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, EU and AU leaders, and Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world,” writes Patel.
To borrow a phrase from De Beers: They are living up to diamonds! Whatever the outcome of their petition, they deserve our greatest respect, admiration and gratitude. Feel free to join the petition:
Have a nice weekend.