De Beers – NGO Battle Continues
November 19, 02
The ongoing battle between De Beers and the NGO Survival International, reached a new stage as the South African diamond miner called in its lawyers yesterday.
The latest development comes after this Sunday a British newspaper published that Iman, De Beers LV Spokeswoman, decided to drop the contract after hearing from NGO’s that Bushmen were resettled in the Kalahari after diamond deposits were found there.
De Beers flatly denies Iman’s departure, and only last week Botswana president Festus Mogae published a letter denying the resettlement allegations.
De Beers felt that while Survival International has the right to campaign responsibly on behalf of the Bushmen, it cannot accept “the persistent and erroneous claim linking De Beers and diamonds to the relocation of the Bushmen from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR).”
The company went on stating that it has no dispute with Survival International, however, “it cannot ignore the sustained campaign against it and the dissemination to the media of untrue and misleading information damaging to the reputation of De Beers.”
Yesterday De Beers wrote to Survival International and its Trustees to inform them of what they called “the serious consequences of any future activity or statement that would defame De Beers and its commercial interests.”
This is probably not the last word on this issue. A protest rally by Survival International is expected this Thursday during the opening of De Beers new retail venture in London.