De Beers, Union, Sign HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy
June 08, 03
De Beers and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) signed on Friday a joint HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy in Johannesburg.
The policy addresses, amongst other things, the principles of non-discrimination of HIV infected and affected employees, education and training programs, prevention strategies such as voluntary counseling and testing, and a holistic wellness approach, which now includes the provision of anti-retroviral treatment, particularly to those employees and partners for whom it has until now been inaccessible, and where this can be done in a responsible and sustainable manner the two parties say.
According to Nicky Oppenheimer, chairman of De Beers, “This policy truly represents a unified response from business and labor to the threat posed by HIV/AIDS to our business, to our employees, their families and the communities in which we operate.
“It is only by mobilizing and combining the efforts of all stakeholders that we can reduce the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It also demonstrates our commitment to the Mining Summit Declaration of Intent on HIV/AIDS which calls for partnerships such as this.”
Archie Palane, deputy secretary general of the National Union of Mineworkers, adds, “It is through partnership that we can both make a difference to the life of an ordinary worker seeking care and support at a time when a personal decision is to be made about his/her future. Fortunately, the agreement comes at a time when those who have lost hope need leadership. However, we hope that we are not signing the agreement to fill the filing cabinets or to make history. The major test will be in the implementation. “
The program commences 1 July 2003 and will run for a two-year trial period.