Brazilian Police Arrest Diamond Smuggling Gang
March 11, 04
Brazilian police have arrested the leaders of one of the country’s top diamond smuggling rings who are accused of illegally mining precious stones from an Amazon Indian reserve and shipping them abroad.
The accused head of the ring, Marcos Glikas, an Amazon Indian leader, and three police officers were among 14 people arrested on charges of illegal mining on the Rondonia state reserve and the formation of a gang to smuggle diamonds and launder money.
“We've got the leaders of the gang, those that had the funds to finance the crime,” said Federal Police Agent Marcos Pereira in Rondonia, after a yearlong investigation involving 100 agents.
Miners and buyers have long seen the Roosevelt Indian reserve in Rondonia as a diamond treasure trove in mineral-rich Brazil.
Rumors of massive diamond strikes have prompted thousands of wildcat miners or “garimpeiros” to try to invade the area in recent years.
Illegal mining is now largely run by the Cinta Larga or “broad belt” Indians who live in the reserve, a federal police agent said. Diamond mining on Indian lands is illegal in Brazil.
Police say interest from South African and Belgian buyers spurred the illegal diamond mining on the Roosevelt reserve.
Federal Police uncovered one transaction in which Glikas sold $1.85 million worth of diamonds to a Belgian buyer.
Glikas was previously arrested in New York accused of money laundering, but returned to Brazil after being granted bail.