Diavik Pleased With Mine’s Q1 Operations
May 16, 04
Diavik Diamond Mines Inc (DDMI) said its operations continued to perform well during the first quarter, with the process plant working comfortably ahead of design capacity rates of 1.5 million tons per annum.
Grades continue to reflect the processing of mud-rich material that surrounds the kimberlite ore at the mine, which is 300 kilometers northeast of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Last March DDMI reported it lowered the mine’s 2004 diamond production forecast to the mid to upper range of 7 to 8 million carats as compared to the earlier forecast of 8.2 million carats due to the shell of low-grade kimberlite mud surrounding the A-154 South kimberlite pipe.
In the period that ended March 31, no lost time injuries were reported, resulting in a zero lost time injury frequency rate for the quarter.
DDMI said it continued progress during the quarter toward ISO 14001 certification of its environmental management system.
At the end of the first quarter, Diavik had a workforce of 700 people with 73 percent of them northerners, comfortably surpassing the firm’s 66 percent commitment. Aboriginal employment at the end of the quarter was 36 percent and DDMI is working to raise the rate to 40 percent.
On April 2, Diavik completed its winter road-shipping season during which approximately 1,500 loads of fuel and other supplies were trucked over the seasonal ice road to the mine site.
Among the shipments were three new additional Komatsu 830E haul trucks, which will be assembled on site and commissioned in the next few months which will significantly aid operations.
The Diavik mine is 60 percent owned by Rio Tinto and 40 percent by Aber Diamond Mines.