DTC Set To Launch Entry-Level Jewelry In India
June 02, 04
DTC, which already sells three brands of diamond jewelry in India, has reportedly carried out widespread market surveys to help it finalize the designs for the branded jewelry, which will be made and sold by its more than 30 Indian Sightholders.
DTC is set to launch the mass-market brand of diamond jewelry at entry-level prices in the Indian market.
The jewelry launch is expected to be announced at the International India Jewellery Show, organized by the Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), next month. “De Beers is planning to announce a new brand at the show,” said GJEPC Chairman Sanjay Kothari.
Meanwhile, Devika Gidwani, director of diamond information at JWT, De Beers' ad agency, said: “DTC is planning to launch a fourth brand of jewelry sometime in August or September.”
The branded jewelry is likely to be certified by the International Gemological Institute of India (IGI). “We have sent a proposal to them and in all likelihood [we] will be certifying their new line of branded jewelry,” commented Tehmasp Printer, managing director, IGI.
DTC has three brands in the Indian market Nakshatra, Asmi and Arisia.