Zimbabwe Aiming For 50% Black Ownership of Mines
October 04, 04
Chamber of Mines president Ian Saunders held a meeting with government officials in an attempt to find more details after a statement by President Robert Mugabe that the state wanted to take control of the mining sector, which at present is dominated by foreign miners.
‘We sought clarity on the president's statement and we were told that although 50 percent was not a definite number, the government and President Mugabe want to see the industry moving to that number,” Saunders said in the Business Report.
In March,
Saunders told ministry officials that the demand for high levels of local ownership were likely to deter foreign investment and suggested 25 percent ownership within 10 years was a more realistic target.
"There are six projects that are at an advanced stage but these have been put on hold as the investors are seeking clarification from the authorities," Saunders said.
He declined to name the projects, but
The world's biggest platinum company, Anglo American Platinum, also has an interest in the country, with its planned development of the Unki project.
Mining giant Rio Tinto is another major foreign investor, and recently swapped its holding in miner Rio Tinto
Saunders declined to say what levels of ownership the government was proposing in the revised draft.
The chamber is proposing starting at 15 percent local ownership, moving to 20 percent in five years and 25 percent in 10 years
"Mines are huge consumers of foreign currency, which our locals do not have and this is why we think this timetable is appropriate," he said.
International and domestic investors are rushing for new concessions in
The strengthening of interest in