SouthernEra Finds Diamondiferous Kimberlite at Lac de Gras Project
February 27, 05
SouthernEra Diamonds Inc has discovered a new diamondiferous kimberlite at its 60 percent owned Lac de Gras X Claim Diamond Project in
To date, six kimberlite pipes have been discovered at the X Claims Project of which four are diamondiferous.
Ten selected airborne targets will be tested during the upcoming winter season with ground geophysics followed by drill testing of positive targets
The Lac de Gras X Claims Project is focused on the Lac de Gras Kimberlite Field, host to Canada's two existing diamond mines (Diavik and Ekati) as well as the Southern Kimberlite Field, located approximately 100 kilometers south of the Diavik mine.
As well as being one of
It also operates the Klipspringer Diamond Mine in