IDEX Online Poll: Mixed Expectations for Valentine's Sales
February 16, 06
According to IDEX Online’s latest poll, following a lukewarm holiday season, industry expectations of Valentine’s Day jewelry sales were mixed; Respondents were divided almost evenly over the out come.
With sales dipping after the holiday season, Valentine's Day is the first major gift buying occasion of the year. Figures released by the National Retail Federation (NRF) predicted that 22.4 percent of males would be picking out jewelry items for their loved ones, up from 18.1 percent last year. In total, it predicted that 14.6 percent of consumers planned to buy a jewelry item.
A quarter of respondents who answered the latest IDEX Online poll expected a modest sales gain of 2 to 3 percent, in line with Ken Gassman’s IDEX Online Research prediction.
An almost equal number, 24 percent, of respondents were more optimistic in expecting Valentine's Day sales to increase between 3 to 5 percent.
Twenty-two percent of those who answered the poll believed that sales would be no better and no worse than last year. Finally, a small majority, 29 percent, pessimistically expected to see a drop in sales.
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