WDC Expresses Concern Over U.N. Ivory Coast Report
October 11, 06
The World Diamond Council (WDC) has expressed concern over the findings of a U.N. commissioned panel who discovered that rough diamonds are being smuggled out of rebel controlled areas in the
In a letter to Kimberley Process chairman Kago Moshashane, WDC chairman Eli Izhakoff expressed “grave concern” over the situation in
The report by a UN Security Council appointed panel of experts expected to be released soon, reportedly states that the rough diamonds smuggled into
According to estimates, illicit diamonds currently represent about 1 percent of the total international trade in rough diamonds.
Following is the full text of Izhakoff’s letter to Moshashane:
Mr. Kago Moshashane,
Chair, Kimberley Process
Dear Chair and Kimberley Process Participants,
We, the World Diamond Council, would like to express our grave concerns regarding the current situation in West Africa amid reports that rough diamonds from Ivory Coast are being smuggled over the border into Ghana and exported from Accra with the validation of a Kimberley Process Certificate.
We appeal to the Chair and participant nations of the Kimberley Process to act swiftly, decisively and in unison, to resolve this serious situation to safeguard the integrity of the Kimberley Process itself and protect the industry from diamonds that have potentially originated from prohibited sources.
We appeal to the Government of Ghana to consider whatever actions it deems necessary to ensure that diamonds from Ivory Coast are not exported using Ghanaian Kimberley Process Certificates, including – if necessary – the temporary suspension of all rough diamond exports from Ghana.
In addition, we appeal to all rough diamond importing countries to carry out appropriate inspections of all parcels of rough diamonds emanating from West Africa to ensure that they do not contain Ivory Coast production, prohibited under UNSC Resolution 1643.
We thank you for your urgent attention regarding this matter. We are prepared to provide any necessary technical assistance that is required to achieve a successful resolution.
Thanks and kind regards,
Eli Izhakoff
Chairman, World Diamond Council