Zimbabwe Reserve Bank: Robust Diamond Mining and Marketing System Needed
April 05, 07
Dr Gideon Gono, Governor of the Reserve Bank of
Dr Gono said a robust diamond mining and marketing system is needed to guarantee that gems benefit the people of
According to a report in Zimbabwean newspaper The Herald, investigations over the past few months have revealed that hotels in Mutare were full of top officials and foreigners every weekend, some of whom employed runners who would buy diamonds during the week only to hand them to their principals in hotel rooms on weekends.
"The diamonds are in
"There is no other area where implementation inertia is as glaring as that of the area of diamond mining. It's almost criminal the extent to which we are sitting on such a resource. Showing indecisiveness while Rome is burning."
Gono went on to call for the diamond sector to be treated as a special sector.
"In this regard, the diamonds - both rough and polished - could be used as a national reserve asset under the custody of the central bank. These could then be converted to foreign currency as and when necessary. The central bank could also use the diamonds to secure lines of credit and boost its foreign currency reserves," he added.