Diamond Industry to Reaffirm Kimberley Commitment
April 12, 07
The World Diamond Council’s (WDC) fifth annual meeting to be held in
The Kimberley Process is a diamond industry, government and civil society initiative to stem the flow of conflict diamonds.
“We hope to come out of the two day conference with some tangible results and specific ways that all of us, industry, government and civil society can make a difference," says Eli Izhakoff, Chairman of the World Diamond Council.
Scheduled to appear on the conference’s speaker’s roster are diamond industry heavyweights Gareth Penny, (Managing Director, De Beers), Sergey Vibornov, (President, Alrosa), Lev Leviev, (Chairman, Leviev Group), Ernie Blom, (President, World Federation of Diamond Bourses), Jeff Fischer, (President, International Diamond Manufacturers Association), and Gaetano Cavalieri, (President, World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO)).
Created in 2000 by the World Federation of Diamond Bourses and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association, the WDC aims to develop, implement and oversee a tracking system for the export and import of rough diamonds to prevent the exploitation of diamonds for illicit purposes.
The conference takes place May 9 and 10. Online registration is available at www.5-wdcmeeting.com.