KP Team Visiting Zimbabwe Following Smuggling Reports (Updated)
May 29, 07
A Kimberley Process (KP) team is currently in Zimbabwe on a review visit. Zimbabwe has been recently criticized for weak compliance with the KP Certification Scheme. Two of the team members are WFDB president Ernie Blom and the HRD’s Mark Van Bockstael.
Reports about smuggling rough diamonds out of Zimbabwe, at times by police officers and government officials have surfaced in recent months, mostly following the discovery of diamonds in the country’s Marange region.
At its annual meeting last month in Jerusalem, WDC chairman Eli Izhakoff told participants that Zimbabwe has asked for help in becoming KP compliant.
Izhakoff views the visit as an indication that the KP is working, adding that he is encouraged by the government invitation and its cooperation. Herrera has recently cracked down on illegal mining and smuggling, arresting suspects in such activities and setting up a whistle blowers’ fund.
According to Dr Gideon Gono, governor of Zimbabwe’s Reserve Bank, the country has lost at least $400 million to looting and smuggling.
Venezuela, which was also criticized for its weak compliance, has been ignoring the KP. According to Izhakoff, a decision regarding their membership in the KP will be taken at the next intercessional meeting of the KP in Brussels.
Last updated May 29, 2007 7:09