De Beers’ Gahcho Kue Environmental Impact Review Draft Published
June 07, 07
The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB) has published the draft Terms of Reference for the Environmental Impact Study and draft Work Plan for the Environmental Impact Review of De Beers’ Gahcho Kue diamond project in Canada's Northwest Territories.
De Beers Canada holds a 51 percent stake in the Gahcho Kue joint venture and its operator. Mountain Province Diamonds is De Beers’ partner.
MVEIRB anticipates that the Environmental Impact Review (EIR) of the Gahcho Kue project will be completed by mid-2009.
Once at full production, the Gahcho Kue diamond mine is expected to produce approximately 3 million carats a year over 15 years.
The MVEIRB is the main organization established to carry out environmental assessment and environmental impact review in the Mackenzie Valley.