IDEX Online Market Report – 02/04/09
April 02, 09
The Ramat Gan market is showing some scarcity of goods, but also the establishment of price stability. Spirits are on the rise in Mumbai where some manufactureres are embarking on new production as local demands and overseas buyers slowly return. Movement is picking up in Hong Kong where demand is focused mainly on rounds, 2.00 cts and below, while the demand for 3.00+ cts remains soft.
We would like to wish all our readers a happy Passover and Easter. Our next market report will be published on April 23, following the holidays.
The New York Market is continuing to pick up at a slow but constant pace. The Basel show, although not as successful as previous years, left exhibitors with a feeling of optimism with results outperforming the minimal expectations. As the market is slowly rebounding from the economic recession, the interest in goods has increased and traders are hoping that the performance in the second and third quarter of 2009 will compensate for the sluggish first quarter.
Demand for smaller goods of 0.05 to 0.15 cts is on the rise, as is the demand for 0.50+ carat fancy cuts. Carat sizes and larger in G-K / SI+ are moving against short supply and prices seem to have stabilized for these articles.
Rounds 0.005-0.15 cts, D-J / pique, slow
0.005-0.15 cts, D-J / VS+, moving well
1/5, D-J / VS+, slow
1/4-3/4, white / pique, moving
0.25-0.90 cts, D-J / VS+, moving
1.00-2.00 cts, D-J / VS+, moving
1-5 cts, white / pique, slow
2.50+ cts, D-M / SI1+, good makes, certified, moving
Fancy Cuts Princesses, 1.00-3.00 cts, D-K / SI+, moving
Radiants, Asschers and Cushions, 1.00-2.00 cts, D-K / SI+, moving well
Pears, Ovals and Emeralds, 0.25-2.00 (mainly 0.50+) cts, D-K / SI+, moving well
Trading levels have increased at the Belgium diamond exchange, with some even going so far as to call them "decent." Although the Basel show did not do so well in terms of number of visitors and actual transactions, traders are nevertheless optimistic. A few buyers for rough were noted after a long absence, although they said they were not prepared to buy much as asking prices were still too high.The traders hope that this trend towards better conditions will continue, although they know that movement will slow with the upcoming holidays.
Rounds 0.005-0.15 cts, F-J / pique,

Fancy Cuts

Ramat Gan
Some movement was seen at the Israeli diamond exchange, with a few new orders placed. However, local traders are not buying much stock as they are headed for a slowdown of some weeks during the Passover holidays.There is a slight scarcity of polished goods being felt here and there is also some kind of price stablity being established. Outside of Israel, traders who participated at the Basel show were, for the most part, dissatistifed with its outcome.

Fancy Cuts

Some motion is being seen at the Mumbai diamond market, with local demands slowly flowing in. Some manufacturers are also showing signs of new production. The overseas buyers are very few but their presence is expected to rise. In general, traders say this should be the start of a pick up in activity, leading to a flow of optimisim.

Fancy Cuts

Far East
The Hong Kong diamond maket is experiencing a further pick up in movement with demand for polished materializing into actual sales. Demand is focused mainly on rounds, 2.00 cts and below, while the demand for 3.00+ cts remains soft. Payments are still slow and problematic, especially as a few traders have still not cleared the payments for the larger sizes that they sold a few months back. Nevertheless, this center is enjoying the improvement in the meantime and hope it is not just a temporary phase.

Fancy Cuts