Slight Pick-up In Indian Polished Market After DTC Price Cuts
September 06, 12
(IDEX Online News) – The Mumbai polished market is showing signs of a slight pick-up in demand in the wake of the rough price cuts at the current DTC Sight. Polished prices have softened in the wake of the DTC price cut and this has rekindled buyer interest in Mumbai. The big movers are the SI to I clarities in all sizes and colors. Most movement is in sizes below 1 carat and particularly below 0.30 carat. A significant portion of the demand for SI goods comes from the domestic Indian market, particularly the North. A sizeable portion of these goods however, along with practically all the I clarities, are taken by the U.S. market. The U.S. demand is seen through both direct buying as well as indirectly through the Israeli diamond industry.