De Beers, Partners Win Global Recognition For HIV/AIDS Fight
May 31, 04
De Beers and its partner companies Debswana and Namdeb have received recognition from an international business organization for their role in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
The joint HIV/AIDS submission, highlighting the companies’ efforts in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia, was one of only 10 business-driven projects to receive the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) World Business Awards in support of the Millennium Development Goals.
A total of 64 nominations were submitted from 27 countries.
The awards are the first to recognize the significant role business can play in implementing the United Nation’s targets for reducing global poverty by 2015.
The ICC, in association with the United Nations Development Programme and the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum, will present the awards during its World Congress in Marrakesh next month.
Meanwhile, the De Beers HIV/AIDS program was also commended in the category “Workplace Programmes” in the Global Business Coalition Awards for Business Excellence.