WDC: Industry should be Cautious with KP Certificates from Ghana
October 15, 06
The World Diamond Council (WDC) is urging members of the diamond industry to be vigilant of rough diamonds shipped from Ghana and to act with the “greatest caution” with Kimberley Process certificates issued in the country following the conclusions by the UN panel of experts that found that rough is smuggled into Ghana from the Ivory Coast.
Last week the WDC asked the chair of the Kimberley Process, Kago Moshashane, and all participant nations, “to act swiftly to resolve the serious issue of reports that rough diamonds from the Ivory Coast are being smuggled into Ghana bypassing Kimberley Process procedures.”
Although the report found “no evidence of gross violations of the Security Council measures,” and the potential volume of rough diamonds passing through this channel is relatively small, it does suggest that rough diamonds from Ivory Coast could be transiting through Ghana before reaching international markets, the WDC said in a release.
The WDC said it is concerned that the risks highlighted by the UN's report are a threat to the legitimate diamond industry and the integrity of the Kimberley Process, and maintain that one diamond traded in this way is one too many.
It went on to say it supports, and will strictly adhere to, the recommendations made in the report and continue its pledge to assist in any manner to make sure this issue is immediately dealt with. In conclusion, the WDC supports civil society's call for these concerns to be a key agenda point at the forthcoming Kimberley Process Plenary meeting in Botswana next month.